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Hermann Teddy Original Limited Edition

Egg Cup and Spoon in Gift Box

Royal Selangor

Royal Selangor Egg Cup and Spoon in Gift Box

We are sorry, this product is discontinued and is no longer available. Please select another item.

Reference: TBF02610
Model: 0E0636
Size: 13cm spoon, 5cm
Colour: Pewter

A christening gift to treasure

Royal Selangor pewter spoon and egg cup makes a unique christening gift and comes beautifully presented in a wooden box with velvet lining. This item is also available as a pewter egg cup and spoon in dark wooden gift box.

Royal Selangor, the world's foremost name in quality pewter, dates from 1885 when an intrepid young man named Yoon Koon arrived in Malaysia from the Chinese port of Swatow, armed with little more than the determination to succeed.

Unlike antique pewter, modern pewter contains no lead and is perfectly food-safe.

Gift Packaging

Gift bagsA quality laminated gift bag, matching colour tissue and gift tag to present your gift item. Order during checkout.

Gift Cards

Greetings cardsSend a greetings card with your gift item to add a personal touch.


ChocolatesYou can also add a box of chocolates to make the perfect gift.

Teddy Bear Friends info

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trading as Teddy Bear Friends

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L39 2DJ